Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I've had this laptop for 7 years now

 I've had this laptop for 7 years now. I haven't had any major problems with it in all that time, except just recently my number six key stopped working. Otherwise, it can be a little slow at times, loading web pages. However, there's no problem getting into Word or Excel, etc. I think it would be good at this point for a beginner who wants a cheap laptop to do emails and basic Word letters and perhaps keep track of their checkbook on Excel. It's not overly complicated, but it doesn't have a LOT of memory for storing pictures, but a beginner would be ok with the space it has. I keep Norton Antivirus on it and renew every year for $49 and it's been worth it. The screen is big and clear, and you can hook a mouse to it, printers, scanners etc. Hope that helps.


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